
Dead By Daylight Jake Cosmetics

Jake Park
S04 charSelect portrait.png
Alt. Name 제이크 박 (Korean)
Gender Male
Role Solitary Survivalist
Nationality S Korean
Vox Actor Kevin Boissonneault (BHVR)

Jake Park is i of 31 Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor.png currently featured in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.png .

He was introduced as a member of the original Survivor Quartet that released with the Game on xiv June 2016.


New Store Jake.png

Jake Park is a solitary Survivalist, able to hold his own in most situations.

His personal Perks, Iron Volition IconPerks ironWill.png , Calm Spirit IconPerks calmSpirit.png , and Saboteur IconPerks saboteur.png , let him to more effectively motility about the surroundings and survive while injured.

He is all about keeping at-home equally you confront true terror. He is 1 with nature and used to surviving by any makeshift way possible.



Additional Lore tin can be found in Tome eight - Deliverance: Exile of the Kingdom & Tome xi.five - Twisted Masquerade: Jezabel.

Growing upwards the son of a wealthy CEO was e'er going to put force per unit area on Jake Park. When his blood brother graduated with honours from Yale, the force per unit area on Jake intensified. Jake just wasn't the academic type, but his male parent never really understood his refusal to embrace the expensive education he lavished upon him. Eventually, Jake rebelled past dropping out of school entirely. Now, Jake lives off the filigree on the border of the wood. Information technology's been years since he spoke to his male parent just his mother checks in once in a while. Information technology was she, who eventually called the police. The cops said he got lost in the woods and a search political party looked for days, but gave upward every bit bad conditions rolled in. Despite passionate pleas from his mother, they never resumed the search and Jake went downward in history as another casualty of the woods.

Jake'due south destiny was set up fifty-fifty inside his mother's womb. Heir to wealth, noble manners and caretaker of the family unit reputation and legacy. During torture information technology's not pain that breaks a man, it's immense pressure. And Jake couldn't handle any more pressure. Instead he sought the opposite of fine dining and maids. He left the grid and ended up with a woods equally closest neighbour. A cocky made outsider, Jake understands nature. He'southward not in that location to tame something - rather him becoming feral. Remove the brutal Killers that seek out blood to drain and Jake would feel just at home. No Wi-Fi. No Fortune-500 companies. No father or mother. Years away from modern life has given Jake a new feel for issues. Pain is just an obstacle that hinders y'all from getting fed. No thing what is hunting you lot, you demand to stay one step alee. Struggle, alloy in, suit. Just don't make it piece of cake for others to erase you lot from the Earth's surface.


Unique Perks

Jake comes with three Perks IconHelp perks.png that are unique to him:

Iron Will Iron Will

You are able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain.
* '''Reduces''' the volume of ''Grunts of Hurting'' while in the Injured Land<span style = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span> by '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" mode="color: #e8c252;">25</bridge>'''/'''<span course="luaClr clr clr3" manner="color: #199b1e;">l</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">75</span>''' '''&#37;'''.
<p>''Iron Will'' cannot be used when suffering from '''''Exhaustion''''', merely does not cause the '''''Wearied<bridge manner = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span>''''' '''Condition Effect'''.

Yous are able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain.

  • Reduces the book of Grunts of Hurting while in the Injured State IconHelp injured.png by 25 / 50 / 75 %.

Atomic number 26 Will cannot exist used when suffering from Exhaustion , but does non cause the Wearied IconStatusEffects exhausted.png Condition Upshot.

Calm Spirit Calm Spirit

Animals seem to trust yous as they often stay calm in your presence.
*'''Prevents''' Crows<span style = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span> from being alerted past your proximity and flying off, unless they are beingness stepped on.
*'''Suppresses''' the urge to scream from pain at all times.
*'''Suppresses''' all noises related to unlocking Chests<bridge style = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span>, and cleansing or blessing Totems<span style = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span>.
**'''Reduces''' their Interaction speed by '''<bridge class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">twoscore</span>'''/'''<span grade="luaClr clr clr3" way="colour: #199b1e;">35</span>'''/'''<bridge class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">30</span>''' '''&#37;'''.

Animals seem to trust y'all as they ofttimes stay calm in your presence.

  • Prevents Crows IconHelp crows.png from being alerted by your proximity and flying off, unless they are being stepped on.
  • Suppresses the urge to scream from hurting at all times.
  • Suppresses all noises related to unlocking Chests IconHelp chests.png , and cleansing or blessing Totems IconHelpLoading totem.png .
    • Reduces their Interaction speed by 40 / 35 / 30 %.
Saboteur Saboteur

Unlocks potential in your Aureola-reading power:
<p>For the duration of the Killer<span manner = "padding: 0 0 0 5px"></span> carrying another Survivor<bridge style = "padding: 0 0 0 5px"></span>, yous encounter the Aura<bridge manner = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span> of every Hook<span style = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span> within '''<span course="luaClr clr clr2" style="colour: #e8c252;">56 metres</span>''' of the pick-up location:
* The Auras of regular Hooks are revealed to you lot in '''<bridge class="luaClr clr clr16" style="color: #ffffff;">white</span>'''.
* The Auras of '''Scourge Hooks''' are revealed to you lot in '''<bridge course="luaClr clr clr2" manner="color: #e8c252;">yellow</span>'''.
<p>Unlocks the power to sabotage Hooks without needing a Toolboxes|Toolbox<span style = "padding: 0 0 0 0"></span>:
* Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes '''<span grade="luaClr clr clr6" style="colour: #ff8800;">two.v seconds</bridge>'''.
* The Sabotage action has a cool-down of '''<span form="luaClr clr clr2" fashion="color: #e8c252;">90</bridge>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">75</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">60</span>''' '''seconds'''.

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability:

For the duration of the Killer IconHelpLoading killer.png carrying some other Survivor IconHelpLoading survivor.png , you see the Aura IconHelp auras.png of every Claw IconHelpLoading hook.png within 56 metres of the option-upward location:

  • The Auras of regular Hooks are revealed to you in white .
  • The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in xanthous .

Unlocks the ability to sabotage Hooks without needing a Toolbox IconItems toolbox.png :

  • Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes ii.five seconds .
  • The Sabotage activeness has a cool-down of 90 / 75 / lx seconds.

Teachable Perks

Progressing through Jake'south Bloodweb IconHelp bloodweb.png will spawn their Teachable Variant at specific Levels:

Obtaining the Teachable Perks will unlock them to spawn in the Bloodwebs of all other Survivors.


Main commodity: Achievements

In that location is 1 Achievement related to Jake:

Icon Name Description

Adept Jake}}

Expert Jake Escape with Jake Park using only his Unique Perks: Iron Will IconPerks ironWill.png, Calm Spirit IconPerks calmSpirit.png & Saboteur IconPerks saboteur.png.

Cosmetic Options

Players tin can choose from a variety of Corrective options to customise Jake:

Base Cosmetics


Icon Name Torso Rarity Description Boosted Notes
J Head01.png Jake CategoryIcon head.png Common Finding a clean shaven Jake is less normal than you think. Base Head Blueprint of Jake Park
J Head02.png Scruffy Jake CategoryIcon head.png Mutual A scruffy beard maketh the Jake. Base of operations Head blueprint of Jake's 1st alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
J Head03.png Trim Beard Jake CategoryIcon head.png Mutual Sharp and corporate, just like his father'south bristles. Base Head design of Jake'south second alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
J Torso01.png Green Trail Jacket CategoryIcon torso.png Common Stay dry on the trails with this high performance trail jacket. Base Torso Blueprint of Jake Park
J Torso02.png Crimson Windbreaker CategoryIcon torso.png Common Waterproof, breathable and seam sealed are what makes this windbreaker and so slap-up. Base Torso design of Jake's1st alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
J Torso03.png Grey Functioning Top CategoryIcon torso.png Common Highly breathable material lets sweat out and keeps Jake cool. Base Body pattern of Jake's 2d alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
J Legs01.png Waterproof Cargo Pants CategoryIcon legs.png Mutual All-adventure outdoor habiliment for the human being who needs a lot of pockets. Base Legs Design of Jake Park
J Legs02.png Loose Jeans and Rain Boots CategoryIcon legs.png Common Thick prophylactic boots with incredible grip to help on muddy trails. Base of operations Legs blueprint of Jake'south 1st alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store
J Leg03.png Hiking Shorts CategoryIcon legs.png Common That little chip of extra length for protection from thorns and nettles. Base Legs design of Jake'south second alt common cosmetics featured in In-Game Store


Icon Name Body Rarity Description Boosted Notes
J Head01 P01.png Bloody Jake CategoryIcon head.png Rare Bloody and bruised just makes Jake expect ameliorate. 3rd Prestige Advantage
J Torso01 P01.png Encarmine Trail Jacket CategoryIcon torso.png Rare The rips and tears make this waterproof coat far less effective. 1st Prestige Reward
J Legs01 P01.png Bloody Cargo CategoryIcon legs.png Rare Action-slacks for the outdoors. second Prestige Reward



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Icon Proper noun Body Rarity Clarification Collection Effect
JP Head04 01.png Old Man Jake CategoryIcon head.png Common In what now seems like another life, Jake had a reputation to live up to. A make clean look. Suits. This is probably what he would've looked like if he continued living the life his father traced for him. No Drove 1 Year Anniversary
JP Head05.png Scar & Goatee CategoryIcon head.png Uncommon A face fit for a legendary bar fight. What the hell is a lambda?

"Personally, I'm happy to keep fighting. But you ladies might wanna lock the door." -Francis

No Collection Left Behind
JP Torso05.png Hell'south Legion CategoryIcon torso.png Uncommon Hell's Legion: a nice group to belong to when you hate everything.

"Yous know what I don't hate? I don't have vests." -Francis

No Collection Left Behind
JP Legs05.png Biker'south Boots CategoryIcon legs.png Uncommon Indestructible boots for an indestructible guy.

"Phew! Proficient matter I'yard indestructible." -Francis

No Drove Left Behind
JP Torso04 LunarNewYear.png Fire Rooster CategoryIcon torso.png Rare A shirt for luck and protection.

Wishing y'all good fortune and happiness in 2017! - The Dead by Daylight Squad.

No Collection 2017 Chinese New Year
JP Torso04 L4D.png Infected - Black CategoryIcon torso.png Rare Thumbs up on an awesome shirt pattern.

"It's them or united states of america!" -Coach

No Drove Dead by Daylight Steam Group Members
JP Torso04 L4DInv.png Infected - Cerise CategoryIcon torso.png Rare Thumbs up on an awesome shirt blueprint.

"Dude, those zombies are REAL. I knew them books were nonfiction." -Ellis

No Drove Left 4 Dead / Left four Dead two Owners
JP Head016.png Expert Luck Cap CategoryIcon head.png Very Rare A casual cap to camouflage his carefree, long hairstyle. Lurking Stripes Amazon Prime number Gaming March 2022 advantage
JP Torso016.png Wild Conform Jacket CategoryIcon torso.png Very Rare Custom-made suit, patterned with a roaring tiger. Jake skipped family dinners usually, but fabricated an endeavour to delight his grandmother, who stayed with him during her visit. Lurking Stripes Amazon Prime Gaming March 2022 advantage
JP Legs016.png Straight Leg Suit Pants CategoryIcon legs.png Very Rare Slim, silky clothes pants matched with a pair of refined, leather shoes. Lurking Stripes Amazon Prime number Gaming March 2022 reward
JP Head04.png Sharp Mustache Jake CategoryIcon head.png Ultra Rare In what at present seems like another life, Jake had a reputation to alive up to. A clean look. Suits. The only affair he'due south yet willing to wear from those days is the precipitous mustache. No Collection Originally Dweard + Precipitous Mustache Jake Code Giveaway
JP Torso03 03.png Studded Jacket CategoryIcon torso.png Ultra Rare If you want to exist taken seriously, you take to dress accordingly. No Collection Originally Daddy Jake Code Giveaway


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Icon Name Body Rarity Description Event Exclusive to Event participation
JP Head01 4A.png Crown of the Entity CategoryIcon head.png Event A crown emanating a festive and ominous aura created by the Entity'south biggest fan. Fourth Year Anniversary Yes
Crown 5A.png fifth Ceremony Crown CategoryIcon head.png Event A crown crafted for a very special anniversary.

"Give thanks you for supporting & inspiring us along the years!" - The Dead by Daylight Team

Fifth Yr Anniversary Yep


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Icon Name Body Rarity Description DLC
JP Torso03 02.png Patches Denim CategoryIcon torso.png Uncommon It'southward all aboout the customization. The fourscore'south Suitcase
JP Legs02 01.png Leather Pants CategoryIcon legs.png Uncommon The kind of pants that make jaws drop. The 80's Suitcase
JP Legs02 02.png Ripped Jeans CategoryIcon legs.png Uncommon The jeans of a troublemaker with boots to match. The lxxx's Suitcase
JP Head06.png Modern Explorer Beanie CategoryIcon head.png Uncommon It'south non because yous're deep in the woods that you shouldn't await good. Headcase
JP Head07.png Jakebun CategoryIcon head.png Uncommon Jake's ever been creatively laid back. Look at him transform a lazy haircut into a fabulous hairstyle. Headcase
JP Torso03 BroBQ.png The Meat Human CategoryIcon torso.png Uncommon A unique jacket for Jake, created for BroBQ. Charity Case


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Icon Proper noun Torso Rarity Clarification Result
JP Torso04 02.png Twitchy Jake CategoryIcon torso.png Uncommon Twitchy Jake is twitching. Given to selected twitch affiliates/partners
JP Torso01 LP01.png Legacy Jake 1 CategoryIcon torso.png Very Rare The bear upon of the Entity leaves burning scars and blisters of calorie-free. Is information technology a gift or a expletive? Legacy Prestige Reward
JP Legs01 LP01.png Legacy Jake 2 CategoryIcon legs.png Very Rare The touch of the Entity leaves called-for scars and blisters of low-cal. Is information technology a gift or a curse? Legacy Prestige Reward
JP Head01 LP01.png Legacy Jake 3 CategoryIcon head.png Very Rare The touch of the Entity leaves called-for scars and blisters of light. Is information technology a gift or a curse? Legacy Prestige Reward

IconHelp archivesGeneral.png Archives

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Icon Name Body Rarity Description Outfit Drove Tome Tier
JP Head010.png Hipster Beanie CategoryIcon head.png Rare A relaxed await covering upwardly that information technology's been a while since he'due south had a haircut. Nonconformist Urban Zenitude 1 22
JP Torso010.png Sheep Skin Denim CategoryIcon torso.png Rare A warm jacket for those colder nights away from abode. Nonconformist Urban Zenitude one 5
JP Legs010.png Olive Trousers CategoryIcon legs.png Rare Contemporary loose pants for maximum comfort and style. Nonconformist Urban Zenitude 1 thirteen
JP Head012.png Dark Eye Teashades CategoryIcon head.png Very Rare A circular lens fashion that only a select few can pull off. Lunar Fusion Lunar New Year 2020 2 15
JP Torso012.png Lunar Night CategoryIcon torso.png Very Rare A two-tone Korean hanbok representing the dusk, decorated with vine and floral patterns. Lunar Fusion Lunar New Twelvemonth 2020 2 seven
JP Legs012.png Race Stripe Baji CategoryIcon legs.png Very Rare Loose plumbing equipment, formal pants paired with sleek black loafers. Lunar Fusion Lunar New year's day 2020 two 23
JP Head001 01.png Western Days Cowboy Hat CategoryIcon head.png Very Rare Every cowboy needs the perfect cowboy hat and a handy piece of farmer'southward chewing gum. Ranchman Western Wrangler iv 61
JP Torso001 01.png Parched Desert Sleeveless Shirt CategoryIcon torso.png Very Rare This collared sleeveless shirt is low-cal and allows for maximum amount of airflow to keep you lot cool in the sunday. Ranchman Western Wrangler iv 31
JP Legs001 01.png Unforgiving Terrain Pants CategoryIcon legs.png Very Rare Stay on your toes with these military-form combat pants, fully equipped with kneepads. Great for slipping, sliding, crouching, and crawling. Ranchman Western Wrangler 4 41
JP Head01 02.png Orbital Helm CategoryIcon head.png Rare Jake held an uncanny resemblance to the star of Catholic Afterburn, and sci-fi conventions were happy to pay him to model his expect. Cosmic Afterburn Under the Night Sky 5 56
JP Torso01 02.png Universal Control Suit CategoryIcon torso.png Rare A fitted uniform that can sustain heavy doses of cosmic radiations and absorb weaponized quasar beams… at least on Goggle box. Cosmic Afterburn Under the Night Sky v 68
JP Legs01 02.png Universal Command Leggings CategoryIcon legs.png Rare The single orange stripe is an obvious homage to when the Catholic Afterburn crew went back in time during flavour 4 episode ix. Cosmic Afterburn Under the Night Sky five 42
JP Head015.png Truthful Nature CategoryIcon head.png Very Rare A await that can merely exist achieved past abandoning civilisation and living off the land. Boar Hunter Deliverance 8 67
JP Torso015.png Survival Jacket CategoryIcon torso.png Very Rare Blood and bruises are a small-scale price to pay in order to live some other 24-hour interval. Boar Hunter Deliverance 8 one
JP Legs015.png Survival Pants CategoryIcon legs.png Very Rare Bloodied and torn into a makeshift tourniquet, these pants still fared meliorate than the boar did. Boar Hunter Deliverance viii 39
JP Head003 03.png Mettlesome Shades CategoryIcon head.png Uncommon A fresh-faced rebel with a cause. Voluntary disconnection from gild has done wonders for the complexion.

Remain bearding with these reflective sunglasses.

Leafy Green Off-the-Grid 8 36
JP Torso04 01.png Colour Flop CategoryIcon torso.png Uncommon A bright style that refuses to settle on a single color. Leafy Green Off-the-Filigree 8 55
JP Legs003 03.png Recluse's Work Slacks CategoryIcon legs.png Uncommon Whether scrounging at dump sites, or constructing makeshift shelters, these work slacks will keep you warm and comfortable. Leafy Green Off-the-Grid eight 23
JP Head08 01.png Luscious CategoryIcon head.png Very Rare Long, smooth hair that moves nicely when a hand pushes through it. Heart Cozies Valentine'due south 2022 10 31
JP Torso014 01.png Cupid'south Pajama Top CategoryIcon torso.png Very Rare Go beyond wearing your middle on your sleeve. Centre Cozies Valentine's 2022 10 70
JP Legs014 01.png Cupid'south Pajama Pants CategoryIcon legs.png Very Rare An overwhelming number of hearts to brandish on Valentine'south. Centre Cozies Valentine'due south 2022 10 47
JP Head012 01.png Careless Mop CategoryIcon head.png Rare Information technology was that summer he learned the unproblematic joy of letting your hair only do its ain thing. All White Everything Midsummer Mayhem Collection 12 7
JP Torso08 01.png Pale-on-Pale Combination CategoryIcon torso.png Rare He found the shirt in the back of his closet and borrowed the jacket from a friend. The scarf really tied the whole thing together. All White Everything Midsummer Mayhem Collection 12 55
JP Legs08 01.png Ivory Jeans CategoryIcon legs.png Rare They were originally calorie-free blueish, but he wore them hard in the lord's day and heat and they faded even more. All White Everything Midsummer Commotion Collection 12 39
Completed Outfits
Icon Proper name Body Rarity Description Drove Tome Tiers
JP outfit 010.png Nonconformist CategoryIcon outfits.png Rare He rejected his privilege and left everything behind to discover himself. Urban Zenitude ane 5,xiii,22
JP outfit 012.png Lunar Fusion CategoryIcon outfits.png Very Rare A mod American take on a traditional Korean style, inspired by the lunar new yr. Lunar New year's day 2020 2 vii,15,23
JP outfit 001 01.png Ranchman CategoryIcon outfits.png Very Rare Hi partner! The perfect outfit for living off the land and keeping the sun off your neck. Western Wrangler four 31,41,61
JP outfit 01 02.png Cosmic Afterburn CategoryIcon outfits.png Rare A replica of the uniform worn past the bandage of Cosmic Afterburn, Jake reluctantly accepted a chore to model it. Nether the Night Sky 5 42,56,68
JP outfit 015.png Boar Hunter CategoryIcon outfits.png Very Rare When starvation sets in, in that location's no lengths that a human won't go to. Deliverance eight i,39,67
JP outfit 003 03.png Leafy Green CategoryIcon outfits.png Uncommon A shirt that covers its wearer in lush patterns of nature. Off-the-Filigree 8 23,36,55
JP outfit 014 01.png Heart Cozies CategoryIcon outfits.png Very Rare Silk pajamas for those who appreciate romance. Valentine's 2022 x 31,47,70
JP outfit 012 01.png All White Everything CategoryIcon outfits.png Rare While still living in the urban center, he was invited to a prestigious political party with an obnoxious dress code. Midsummer Mayhem Collection 12 seven,39,55

IconHelp store.png In-Game Store

CategoryIcon outfits.png Outfits

Linked Cosmetics IconHelp cosmetic sets small.png: click on the icon in the tabular array below to see the individual parts of a Cosmetic Ready and their descriptions.
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Icon Proper noun Rarity Description Contents Collection Price Release Date
Jake outfit 011.png Hunter Gatherer Common A bones outfit suited for to urban exploration... merely try non to become lost in the woods. Expedition Beanie (Teal)

Hiking Jacket (Light-green)

Sturdy Cargo Pants (Calorie-free Gray)

Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
Jake outfit 010.png Hunter Gatherer Common A basic outfit suited for to urban exploration... but try non to go lost in the woods. Expedition Beanie (Green)

Hiking Jacket (Blue)

Sturdy Cargo Pants (Charcoal)

Jake Essentials


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IconHelp iridescentShards.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 012.png Hunter Gatherer Mutual A basic outfit suited for to urban exploration... but effort not to get lost in the wood. Expedition Beanie (Dark Grayness)

Hiking Jacket (Gray)

Sturdy Cargo Pants (Dark Gray)

Jake Essentials


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IconHelp iridescentShards.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 013.png Hunter Gatherer Common A basic outfit suited for to urban exploration... simply try non to get lost in the woods. Expedition Beanie (Burgundy)

Hiking Jacket (Red)

Sturdy Cargo Pants (Turquoise)

Jake Essentials


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IconHelp iridescentShards.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 009.png Hunter Gatherer Common A bones outfit suited for to urban exploration... simply endeavor not to go lost in the woods. Trek Beanie (Auburn)

Hiking Jacket (Brownish)

Sturdy Cargo Pants (Light-green)

Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
Jake outfit 004.png New Utopia Uncommon Who needs the comfort of the modern globe? Take on all challengers every bit a cocky-sufficient soldier of a new utopia society. Defiant Sunglasses

Utopian Vest Jacket

Arcadian Work Slacks



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12 June 2018
Jake outfit 005.png Recluse Uncommon Who needs the comfort of the modernistic world? Take on all challengers as a self-sufficient soldier of a new utopia society. Loner's Beanie

Loner's Vest Jacket

Loner'southward Work Slacks



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IconHelp iridescentShards.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 006.png Forager Uncommon Who needs the comfort of the modern world? Take on all challengers equally a self-sufficient soldier of a new utopia society. Scrounger

Recovered Vest Jacket

Mottled Camo Piece of work Slacks



IconHelp auricCells.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 001.png The Savior Rare Be actively prepared for anything to go down and always ready for emergencies, disruptions or other deadly situations. Doomsday cometh! #sabogod Resc-You-Me

Bronze Guardian Turtleneck

Deliverer Utility Trousers

Urban Survivalist


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 003.png Babyface Rare Be actively prepared for anything to go downwardly and always ready for emergencies, disruptions or other deadly situations. Doomsday cometh! Innocent Prepper

White Mummy Turtleneck

Young & Light-green Utility Trousers

Urban Survivalist


IconHelp auricCells.png


IconHelp iridescentShards.png

12 June 2018
Jake outfit 002.png Born in the United states of america Rare Be actively prepared for annihilation to get down and ever ready for emergencies, disruptions or other mortiferous situations. Doomsday cometh!

Like a boss.

Liberty Party Male child

Stars N Stripes Turtleneck

Merica Utility Trousers

Urban Survivalist


IconHelp auricCells.png

12 June 2018
JP outfit 010.png Nonconformist Rare He rejected his privilege and left everything behind to find himself. Hipster Beanie

Sheep Peel Denim

Olive Trousers

Urban Zenitude


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IconHelp iridescentShards.png

22 January 2021
JP outfit 01 02.png Cosmic Afterburn Rare A replica of the uniform worn past the cast of Cosmic Afterburn, Jake reluctantly accepted a job to model it. Orbital Helm

Universal Command Suit

Universal Control Leggings

Under the Night Sky


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v May 2021
Jake outfit 007.png Outdoorsman Very Rare Howdy partner! The perfect outfit for living off the country and keeping the sun off your neck. Camper's Cowboy Hat

Fisherman's Sleeveless Shirt

Hunter'southward Gainsay Pants

Western Wrangler


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x July 2018
Jake outfit 017.png Sullen Rōnin Very Rare Don't lose sight of yourself equally you wander frantically: take every opportunity to redeem yourself. Messy Topknot

Wool Noragi Jacket

Baggy Hakama Capri

Grim Matsuri


IconHelp auricCells.png

26 April 2019
Jake outfit 009 01.png Prospector Very Rare An proficient in living off the country, Jake is likewise skilled in finding ways to survive below the surface. Gatsby Cap

Dusty Tank Tiptop

Tough Mining Pants

Threadbare Thirties


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5 June 2019
Jake outfit 007 01.png Life of the Party Very Rare Drop in with the perfect outfit for a house party. Made with constructed fabrics that spilled beer tin't stain. Wrap Around Shades

Nylon Tracksuit Jacket

Nylon Tracksuit Pants

Wicked Wares


IconHelp auricCells.png

9 Baronial 2019
Jake outfit 008.png The Stranger Very Rare On the route. Town to boondocks. Aye, information technology tin exist a hard life sometimes. What about people don't know, the journey IS the destination. Washed Up Wash Out

Dashing Shirt and Jacket

Probably Muddy Jeans

Fog Travelers


IconHelp auricCells.png

ix August 2019
JP outfit 013.png Woodworker Very Rare There was distinct satisfaction in sleeping in a shelter built from scratch. It was Jake's favorite way to unwind. Bomber Lid

Puff on Plaid

Builder Denims

Log Cabin


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22 May 2020
JP outfit 014.png Winter Comfort Very Rare It was Jake's final holidays at home. Before long, his silk pajamas would be traded in for something more rustic. Simply for at present, appearances had to exist maintained. Freeform

Silk Stripes

Golden Stag

Holiday Horror


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11 Dec 2020
JP outfit 012.png Lunar Fusion Very Rare A modern American accept on a traditional Korean style, inspired by the lunar new year's day. Night Eye Teashades

Lunar Nighttime

Race Stripe Baji

Lunar New year 2020


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11 February 2021
JP outfit 018.png Levi's Uniform

IconHelp cosmetic sets small.png

Very Rare The outfit of an aloof leader from a lost realm. Jumpsuit Outfit Attack on Titan


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xix July 2022
JP outfit 011.png Vigo'south Marauder Issue Stumbling upon a derelict shack, he uncovered a subconscious breast with foreign glass vials. He took all he could carry. Half Up Ponytail

Stolen Garment

Putrescent Apron

Hallowed Catalyst


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nine Oct 2019

CategoryIcon head.png Heads

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Icon Proper noun Rarity Description Outfit Drove Price Release Date
JP Head01 CV03.png Trek Hoodie (Teal) Common Information technology's not considering you're in the woods that you shouldn't look good. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Head01 CV02.png Expedition Hoodie (Greenish) Common Information technology's not considering you're in the woods that y'all shouldn't expect good. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Head01 CV04.png Expedition Hoodie (Dark Grayness) Common It's not considering you're in the woods that you shouldn't wait good. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Head01 CV05.png Expedition Hoodie (Burgundy) Common It'due south not because you lot're in the woods that you shouldn't look good. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Head01 CV01.png Trek Hoodie (Auburn) Common Information technology's not because you're in the wood that you shouldn't await practiced. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Head003 02.png Defiant Sunglasses Uncommon A fresh-faced rebel with a cause. Voluntary disconnection with lodge has done wonders for the complexion.

Remain anonymous with these reflective sunglasses.

New Utopia Off-the-Grid


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12 June 2018
JP Head003 01.png Loner'south Beanie Uncommon A fresh-faced insubordinate with a cause. Voluntary disconnection with society has done wonders for the complexion.

Survive the winter months with this warm beanie.

Recluse Off-the-Grid


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12 June 2018
JP Head003.png Scrounger Uncommon A fresh-faced rebel with a crusade. Voluntary disconnection with society has done wonders for the complexion. Forager Off-the-Filigree


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12 June 2018
JP Head002 01.png Resc-You-Me Rare Survive the apocalypse with some well-kept long hair. The Savior Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Head002.png Innocent Prepper Rare Survive the apocalypse with some well-kept long hair. Babyface Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Head002 02.png Liberty Party Boy Rare Survive the apocalypse with some well-kept long hair.

Survive the sunset with these reflective shades.

Built-in in the USA Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Head010.png Hipster Beanie Rare A relaxed look covering upward that information technology'south been a while since he'due south had a haircut. Nonconformist Urban Zenitude


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22 Jan 2021
JP Head01 02.png Orbital Captain Rare Jake held an uncanny resemblance to the star of Cosmic Afterburn, and sci-fi conventions were happy to pay him to model his look. Cosmic Afterburn Nether the Night Heaven


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JP Head001.png Camper's Cowbow Hat Very Rare Every cowboy needs the perfect cowboy hat and a handy piece of farmer'southward chewing gum. Outdoorsman Western Wrangler


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ten July 2018
JP Head006.png Messy Topknot Very Rare To keep the helmet in place and the hair away from the eyes during boxing. Sullen Rōnin Grim Matsuri


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26 April 2019
JP Head009.png Gatsby Cap Very Rare Thick and padded, to prevent head injuries in low tunnels. Prospector The Threadbare Thirties


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5 June 2019
JP Head007.png Wrap Around Shades Very Rare Only because it'south night, and you're indoors, doesn't hateful that your eyes don't need protecting. Life of the Party Wicked Wares


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ix Baronial 2019
JP Head08.png Washed Upwardly Launder Out Very Rare Information technology'due south been a long day. No scratch that. Long year! Fourth dimension to find somewhere to sleep it off. Perhaps the next 1 volition be meliorate.

First things first... someone needs a haircut!

The Stranger Fog Travelers


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9 August 2019
JP Head013.png Bomber Hat Very Rare Over the years, he dragged equipment out from his family'south opulent renovations to work on his ain project. Woodworker Log Cabin


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22 May 2020
JP Head014.png Freeform Very Rare A laissez-faire style that lets the hair autumn where it may. Winter Comfort Holiday Horror


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11 December 2020
JP Head012.png Night Eye Teashades Very Rare A circular lens manner that only a select few can pull off. Lunar Fusion Lunar New year's day 2020


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xi February 2021
JP Head011.png One-half Up Ponytail Consequence A slick hairstyle combined with a covert face maks to remain undetected. Vigo'due south Marauder Hallowed Catalyst


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ix October 2019

CategoryIcon torso.png Torsos

Aggrandize to view content
Icon Name Rarity Clarification Outfit Collection Price Release Date
JP Torso01 CV03.png Hiking Jacket (Green) Common Stay dry on the trails with this high performance hiking jacket. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Torso01 CV02.png Hiking Jacket (Bluish) Common Stay dry on the trails with this high performance hiking jacket. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Torso01 CV04.png Hiking Jacket (Grey) Mutual Stay dry on the trails with this loftier performance hiking jacket. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Torso01 CV05.png Hiking Jacket (Cerise) Common Stay dry out on the trails with this high performance hiking jacket. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Torso01 CV01.png Hiking Jacket (Brown) Common Stay dry out on the trails with this loftier performance hiking jacket. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Torso003.png Utopian Vest Jacket Uncommon The end of days approach. Be prepared for all atmospheric condition with this warm vest jacket. New Utopia Off-the-Filigree


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12 June 2018
JP Torso003 01.png Loner'southward Vest Jacket Uncommon The stop of days approach. Be prepared for all weather condition with this warm vest jacket. Recluse Off-the-Filigree


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12 June 2018
JP Torso003 02.png Recovered Belong Jacket Uncommon The end of days arroyo. Be prepared for all conditions with this warm vest jacket. Forager Off-the-Grid


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12 June 2018
JP Torso002 01.png Bronze Guardian Turtleneck Rare This fitted turtleneck is perfect for waiting out the half-life of nuclear fallout in an underground shelter. Pretty stylish too! The Savior Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Torso002.png White Mummy Turtleneck Rare This fitted turtleneck is perfect for waiting out the one-half-life of nuclear fallout in an underground shelter. Pretty fashionable also! Babyface Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Torso002 02.png Stars Northward Stripes Turtleneck Rare This fitted turtleneck is perfect for waiting out the one-half-life of nuclear fallout in an underground shelter. Pretty fashionable as well! Built-in in the USA Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Torso008.png Happy Catastrophe Rare Well, it's a happy ending for the bears. No Outift Ugly Sweaters


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19 December 2018
JP Torso010.png Sheep Skin Denim Rare A warm jacket for those colder nights abroad from home. Nonconformist Urban Zenitude


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22 Jan 2021
JP Torso01 02.png Universal Control Suit Rare A fitted uniform that can sustain heavy doses of cosmic radiation and blot weaponized quasar beams… at least on Telly. Cosmic Afterburn Under the Dark Sky


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JP Torso001.png Fisherman's Sleeveless Shirt Very Rare This collared sleeveless shirt is light and allows for maximum amount of airflow to keep you lot absurd in the sun. Outdoorsman Western Wrangler


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10 July 2018
JP Torso006.png Wool Noragi Jacket Very Rare A warm woolen cardigan with a touch of avant-garde to retain trunk heat on wintry nights by the campfire. Sullen Rōnin Grim Matsuri


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26 April 2019
JP Torso009.png Dusty Tank Elevation Very Rare Surreptitious tunnels are surprisingly hot, and tops like this are a must. However, watch those precipitous exposed arms on sharp stone. Prospector The Threadbare Thirties


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5 June 2019
JP Torso007.png Nylon Tracksuit Jacket Very Rare Light, bright and sure to get you noticed. Life of the Party Wicked Wares


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9 August 2019
JP Torso08.png Dashing Shirt and Jacket Very Rare This jacket is the most comforting travel companion one tin can notice on the route.

Hey, baby! Come closer, come closer! Let me play you my guitar.

The Stranger Fog Travlers


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9 August 2019
JP Torso013.png Puff on Plaid Very Rare He constructed a rough hovel—absolutely far from perfect—that he modified over fourth dimension. Woodworker Log Cabin


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22 May 2020
JP Torso014.png Golden Stag Very Rare Jake's father micromanaged everyone's outfit for the family'due south morning holiday photo. Carrying strength, even during the holidays, was important. Winter Comfort Vacation Horror


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11 Dec 2020
JP Torso012.png Lunar Night Very Rare A two-tone Korean hanbok representing the sunset, decorated with vine and floral patterns. Lunar Fusion Lunar New Twelvemonth 2020


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11 February 2021
JP Torso011.png Stolen Garment Result Clean clothes from an unidentified time period with a bag to carry the boodle he'd found. Vigo's Marauder Hallowed Goad


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9 Oct 2019

CategoryIcon legs.png Legs

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Icon Name Rarity Description Outfit Drove Price Release Engagement
JP Legs01 CV03.png Sturdy Cargo Pants (Low-cal Gray) Common All-risk outdoor habiliment for the man who needs a lot of pockets. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Legs01 CV02.png Sturdy Cargo Pants (Charcoal) Mutual All-adventure outdoor wear for the man who needs a lot of pockets. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Legs01 CV04.png Sturdy Cargo Pants (Dark Gray) Common All-adventure outdoor wearable for the man who needs a lot of pockets. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Legs01 CV05.png Sturdy Cargo Pants (Turquoise) Common All-gamble outdoor wear for the human being who needs a lot of pockets. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Legs01 CV01.png Sturdy Cargo Pants (Green) Mutual All-adventure outdoor article of clothing for the man who needs a lot of pockets. Hunter Gatherer Jake Essentials


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12 June 2018
JP Legs003 02.png Arcadian Work Slacks Uncommon Whether scrounging at dump sites, or amalgam makeshift shelters, these piece of work slacks will keep you warm and comfy. New Utopia Off-the-Grid


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12 June 2018
JP Legs003 01.png Loner's Work Slacks Uncommon Whether scrounging at dump sites, or constructing makeshift shelters, these work slacks will keep yous warm and comfortable. Recluse Off-the-Grid


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12 June 2018
JP Legs003.png Mottled Camo Work Slacks Uncommon Whether scrounging at dump sites, or constructing makeshift shelters, these work slacks will keep yous warm and comfortable. Forager Off-the-Filigree


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12 June 2018
JP Legs002 01.png Deliverer Utility Trousers Rare Loftier-quality utility trousers with multiple utility pockets. Utility belt non included. The Savior Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Legs002.png Young & Green Utility Trousers Rare Loftier-quality utility trousers with multiple utility pockets. Utility belt not included. Babyface Urban Survivalist


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12 June 2018
JP Legs002 02.png Murica Utility Trousers Rare Loftier-quality utility trousers with multiple utility pockets. Utility belt not included. Born in the USA Urban Survivalist


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22 January 2021
JP Legs010.png Olive Trousers Rare Contemporary loose pants for maximum condolement and style. Nonconformist Urban Zenitude


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12 June 2018
JP Legs01 02.png Universal Command Leggings Rare The single orangish stripe is an obvious homage to when the Catholic Afterburn crew went dorsum in time during season four episode 9. Cosmic Afterburn Under the Nighttime Sky


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JP Legs001.png Hunter's Combat Pants Very Rare Stay on your toes with these military machine-course combat pants, fully equipped with kneepads. Great for slipping, sliding, crouching, and crawling. Outdoorsman Western Wrangler


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ten July 2018
JP Legs006.png Amorphous Hakama Capri Very Rare A mod hakama crafted with top quality cotton. Comes with ankle straps to provide a wider range of motility during a fight. Sullen Rōnin Grim Matsuri


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26 Apr 2019
JP Legs009.png Tough Mining Pants Very Rare Hardwearing and tied at the human knee, to protect them from pools of underground water. Prospector The Threadbare Thirties


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v June 2019
JP Legs007.png Nylon Tracksuit Pants Very Rare Won't rip or vesture, fifty-fifty through a whole night of doing the Butterfly. Life of the Party Wicked Wares


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9 Baronial 2019
JP Legs08.png Probably Muddied Jeans Very Rare That'southward a fine layer of road dust that has congenital up on these trousers. The Stranger Fog Travelers


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9 August 2019
JP Legs013.png Builder Denims Very Rare This shed kept him condom through the common cold, rainy nights. Or then he thought. Woodworker Log Cabin


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22 May 2020
JP Legs014.png Silk Stripes Very Rare Winter Condolement Holiday Horror


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11 December 2020
JP Legs012.png Race Stripe Baji Very Rare Loose plumbing equipment, formal pants paired with sleek black loafers. Lunar Fusion Lunar New Year 2020


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11 February 2021
JP Legs011.png Putrescent Apron Outcome A stained frock that kept claret from ruining his pants. Vigo'due south Marauder Hallowed Catalyst


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ix Oct 2019

Alternate Character Models

Jake has 1 alternate Character model available in the in-game Store:

  • Levi Ackerman (Costume)


Main article: Downloadable Content

Jake is part of 5 DLCs:

  • The 80's Suitcase
  • Left Behind
  • Headcase
  • Charity Case
  • Ruby-red Shirt Pack
    • must own Left iv Expressionless or Left 4 Dead 2

Modify Log

Patch 5.1.0

  • Rework: updated facial model and texture as part of The Realm Beyond - Part 6 Graphical Update.


  • Jake is one of the iv original Survivors who was first introduced to Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.png .
    • The other three Survivors are Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas and Claudette Morel.
  • Jake has been through several model changes since Dead by Daylight's early development.
    • In Expressionless past Daylight ALPHA, Jake had a completely different graphic symbol model and ethnicity, portraying a portly American skater teen.
    • In Expressionless by Daylight BETA, Jake's ethnicity was inverse once more to a model which closely resembles his early pattern and concept art.
      • Images of Blastoff/BETA Jake tin can be found in the Gallery below.
  • It is hinted that Jake is left-handed as evident in his figurine charm.

Grapheme Inspiration


  • While information technology was never part of his original Lore, it was confirmed past Alex Lin that Jake was originally from South Korea (come across Gallery).
  • Another indication of Jake'southward heritage can exist found in his Lunar Fusion Outfit, which is a modernised "Hanbok".
  • The Korean localisation of Expressionless by Daylight displays his last name as 파크 ("Pakeu") and non 박 ("Bak"), the latter being the official spelling of the surname in Korean.
  • Opposite to pop belief, Jake's Tome Lore, Exile of the Kingdom, implies that his family had moved to the United States later in his life and that South Korea was in fact his country of nascence where he grew up during his youth.

Grapheme Meme

Vocalization Actor

  • Jake is voiced past Kevin Boissonneault, who at that fourth dimension worked equally a System Developer on the Game.


  • In the entry Jezabel in Tome eleven.5 - Twisted Masquerade, it is revealed that the name of Jake'due south father is "Sam Park".


For more get to Jake's Gallery

Official art


Sometime avails


THE SURVIVORS IconHelpLoading survivor.png
Chapter 1
S01 charSelect portrait.png Dwight Fairfield SurvivorDwight.png S02 charSelect portrait.png Million Thomas SurvivorMeg.png S03 charSelect portrait.png Claudette Morel SurvivorClaudette.png S04 charSelect portrait.png Jake Park SurvivorJake.png S05 charSelect portrait.png Nea Karlsson SurvivorNea.png
ii - 5
S06 charSelect portrait.png Laurie Strode SurvivorLaurie.png S07 charSelect portrait.png Ace Visconti SurvivorAce.png S08 charSelect portrait.png Pecker Overbeck SurvivorBill.png S09 charSelect portrait.png Feng Min SurvivorFeng.png S10 charSelect portrait.png David King SurvivorDavid.png
half dozen - ten
S11 charSelect portrait.png Quentin Smith SurvivorQuentin.png S12 charSelect portrait.png David Tapp SurvivorTapp.png S13 charSelect portrait.png Kate Denson SurvivorKate.png S14 charSelect portrait.png Adam Francis SurvivorAdam.png S15 charSelect portrait.png Jeff Johansen SurvivorJeff.png
11 - 14
S16 charSelect portrait.png Jane Romero SurvivorJane.png S17 charSelect portrait.png Ash Williams SurvivorAsh.png S18 charSelect portrait.png Nancy Wheeler SurvivorNancy.png S19 charSelect portrait.png Steve Harrington SurvivorSteve.png S20 charSelect portrait.png Yui Kimura SurvivorYui.png
15 - 19
S21 charSelect portrait.png Zarina Kassir SurvivorZarina.png S22 charSelect portrait.png Cheryl Mason SurvivorCheryl.png S23 charSelect portrait.png Felix Richter SurvivorFelix.png S24 charSelect portrait.png Élodie Rakoto SurvivorElodie.png S25 charSelect portrait.png Yun-Jin Lee SurvivorYun-Jin.png
20 - 23
S26 charSelect portrait.png Jill Valentine SurvivorJill.png S27 charSelect portrait.png Leon Scott Kennedy SurvivorLeon.png S28 charSelect portrait.png Mikaela Reid SurvivorMikaela.png S29 charSelect portrait.png Jonah Vasquez SurvivorJonah.png S30 charSelect portrait.png Yoichi Asakawa SurvivorYoichi.png
S31 charSelect portrait.png Haddie Kaur SurvivorHaddie.png
THE KILLERS IconHelpLoading killer.png
Base GAME /
ane - 2
K01 charSelect portrait.png Evan MacMillan - The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper.png K02 charSelect portrait.png Philip Ojomo - The Wraith IconHelpLoading wraith.png K03 charSelect portrait.png Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly.png K04 charSelect portrait.png Sally Smithson - The Nurse IconHelpLoading nurse.png K05 charSelect portrait.png Michael Myers - The Shape IconHelpLoading shape.png
three - 6
K06 charSelect portrait.png Lisa Sherwood - The Hag IconHelpLoading hag.png K07 charSelect portrait.png Herman Carter - The Doc IconHelpLoading doctor.png K08 charSelect portrait.png Anna - The Huntress IconHelpLoading huntress.png K09 charSelect portrait.png Bubba Sawyer - The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal.png K10 charSelect portrait.png Freddy Krueger - The Nightmare IconHelpLoading nightmare.png
7 - 11
K11 charSelect portrait.png Amanda Young - The Grunter IconHelpLoading pig.png K12 charSelect portrait.png Jeffrey Militarist - The Clown IconHelpLoading clown.png K13 charSelect portrait.png Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit IconHelpLoading spirit.png K14 charSelect portrait.png Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - The Legion IconHelpLoading legion.png K15 charSelect portrait.png Adiris - The Plague IconHelpLoading plague.png
12 - 15
K16 charSelect portrait.png Danny Johnson - The Ghost Confront IconHelpLoading ghost.png K17 charSelect portrait.png The Demogorgon IconHelpLoading demogorgon.png K18 charSelect portrait.png Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni IconHelpLoading oni.png K19 charSelect portrait.png Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger IconHelpLoading deathslinger.png K20 charSelect portrait.png Pyramid Caput - The Executioner IconHelpLoading wales.png
16 - 21
K21 charSelect portrait.png Talbot Grimes - The Blight IconHelpLoading blight.png K22 charSelect portrait.png Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - The Twins IconHelpLoading twins.png K23 charSelect portrait.png Ji-Woon Hak - The Trickster IconHelpLoading trickster.png K24 charSelect portrait.png Nemesis T-Type - The Nemesis Nemesis T-Type}} K25 charSelect portrait.png Elliot Spencer - The Cenobite IconHelpLoading cenobite.png
22 - 24
K26 charSelect portrait.png Carmina Mora - The Artist IconHelpLoading artist.png K27 charSelect portrait.png Sadako Yamamura - The Onryō IconHelpLoading onryo.png K28 charSelect portrait.png The Dredge IconHelpLoading dredge.png
K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png The Chatterer S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png Chris Redfield S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png Claire Redfield S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png Cybil Bennett S22 James charSelect portrait.png James Sunderland S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png Jonathan Byers
S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png Lisa Garland K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png The Look-See K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png The Mordeo
K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png The Baba Yaga K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png The Ferryman K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png The Krampus K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png The Minotaur
S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png Alessa Gillespie Annie Leonhart Armin Arlert The Armoured Titan K06 Birch charSelect portrait.png The Birch Eren Yeager
K23 GodOfDesire charSelect portrait.png The God of Desire Hange Zoë Historia Reiss Kenny Ackerman Levi Ackerman Mikasa Ackerman
K27 RottenRemains charSelect portrait.png The Rotten Remains The War Hammer Titan
Alex Benedict Baker The Entity IconHelp entity.png The Observer IconHelp archivesGeneral.png Vigo and many more...
The Smasher The Teacher


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